Who will confront the hatred in Hungary?

2011. január 02. 21:12

The European Union seems happy to ignore the repression that is happening under Viktor Orbán.

2011. január 02. 21:12

„All sides agreed that there should be no fuss when Hungary's Viktor Orbán took over the presidency of the European Union yesterday. The EU's technocrats would allow Orbán to play the big guy on the international stage, as long as he let Brussels run Europe behind the scenes. Brussels assured Orbán's rightwing Fidesz party in return that it would not look too closely at how he runs Hungary.

Both parties will maintain the pretence that Hungary is a decent democracy and not discuss the ugly little state that is growing within Europe's borders. The silence of Europe's rulers will suit Fidesz nicely. Ever since it won a landslide victory over the corrupt and incompetent Hungarian left, it has been turning Hungary into a… well, I will not call it a fascist country or even a neo-fascist county, but just note that an old, foul stench wafts from the »new society« Orbán's patriots are building on the Danube.

You can catch a smell of it in Fidesz's propaganda. Its first act was to order public buildings to display a passage from its manifesto. »In spring 2010, the Hungarian nation gathered its strength once again and brought about a successful revolution in the polling booth«, the citizenry was informed. They should rejoice because Fidesz will lead Hungary to a bright new tomorrow based on »work, home, family, health and order«.

Fidesz then seized control of private pensions, hacked back the powers of a supreme court that might have checked its supremacy and established a media council, which can impose large fines on broadcasters and print and online publishers for such fuzzily worded crimes as »offending human dignity«. It has packed the council with party loyalists, naturally, and already Hungarian newspapers and magazines are publishing blank pages in protest against official censorship.

Robert Alföldi, the director of the National Theatre in Budapest, has experienced at first hand the hatreds a Hungary built on »work, home, family, health and order« are generating. Before Christmas, demonstrators from the Jobbik, a party whose attitudes towards the Jews and the Roma mark it as truly neo-fascist outfit, marched to demand his removal. He was »a fag, a pervert and a Jew«, they cried, unfit to hold his post.”
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2011. január 04. 12:12
Azért arra kíváncsi lennék, mi lenne az angol átlagpolgár véleménye egy olyan darab bemutatójáról a National Theatre-ben, amiben angol katonák maszturbálnak az "It's a long way to Tipperary" dallamára...
2011. január 02. 22:08
Magyarország=fasizmus? Kéretik a szerző vezetéknevére vetni egy pillantást..... Sajnálatos
2011. január 02. 22:08
Magyarország=fasizmus? Kéretik a szerző vezetéknevére vetni egy pillantást..... Sajnálatos
2011. január 02. 21:33
Úgy tűnik, leginkább Viktor Orbán confronts the hatred of the Left in Hungary. "Europe's rulers" - itt kicsit elszólta magát Nick, eddig arról volt szó, hogy demokráciák vannak az EU-ban. Talán mégsem?
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