Royal Baby Fails to Beat Pope, Obama on Twitter

2013. július 23. 11:32

Granted, 25,300 tweets per minute isn't so bad for a guy so young he doesn't even have a name yet.

2013. július 23. 11:32
Chris Taylor

„Royal baby mentions reached a frenzied peak of 25,300 tweets per minute, right when the Prince of Cambridge's birth was announced. The #royalbaby hashtag has been used 900,000 times and counting.

That may sound like a lot, but it's small potatoes next to two other major international-news events from the past 12 months. The election of Pope Francis I led to 132,000 tweets per minute back in March. U.S. President Barack Obama's re-election, meanwhile, set an all-time record of 237,000 tweets per minute in November.

In fact, the young prince's arrival failed to beat the tweets-per-minute counts set by Usain Bolt (88,000) and the Spice Girls (116,000) earlier last year.

Granted, 25,300 tweets per minute isn't so bad for a guy so young he doesn't even have a name yet.”

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