We’re not racist, but!

2013. július 25. 19:12

The fastest growing Bulgarian Facebook campaign is calling for the compulsory castration of all gypsies.

2013. július 25. 19:12
Christopher Buxton

„The fastest growing Bulgarian Facebook campaign is calling for the compulsory castration of all gypsies. What is unnerving is the number of fresh faced middle class cosseted cuties involved – you know the girls who’d give their elbow and more to study in the west and then complain of the black faces they encounter. Anyway there they all are, these pretty educated young women, telling us they’re not racist, don’t agree that gypsies should be boiled down for soap but are ready to pick up a pair of scissors and help cut off the knackers of the people they compare to cockroaches. (…)

Gypsies are an ideal target. In stereotype at least they tick all the boxes that go towards a definition of »undeserving poor.« They are not quiet. They know how to party. They don’t have regular work but somehow survive on benefits, cash in hand jobs, begging and petty crime. They like cheap booze, drugs and loud music that can keep people sleepless for miles around. They have either never attended school or have failed every exam going. They live in tents, shanty towns and vandalized blocks and in their forays into town centres, begging women bludgeon passers by with drugged babies and men operate protection rackets in public parking lots. And of course as in any deprived community women have multiple children by a succession of different partners.”

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2013. július 26. 02:23
the whole world is racist and the gipsies are collectively innocent... or so... whooops there goes the neighbourhood heeeeeeeeelp close the borders fast-fast-fast
2013. július 26. 01:58
We aren't, but the jewishes are racists hardly.
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